Stay the Course: Staying Motivated Through the Tough Seasons!

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Hey Ladies,

This week’s post is inspired by Sha’Carri Richardson’s perseverance despite setbacks, emphasizing the message to “Stay the Course.”

We will discuss the importance of staying motivated, embracing our paths, maintaining control, and pressing forward, exemplified by Richardson’s determination.

Therefore, we can leave out the destinies we already know we are predestined for!

See you all in our post!

Remember to leave us your feedback in the comments!

Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

Rome Was Not Built in A Day; It’s Okay to Let People Evolve:

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Hey Ladies,

Our post tonight emphasizes allowing people to evolve and change over time.

Using the analogy of Rome not being built in a day, we will discuss giving others the space to transform and be their authentic selves.

We will discuss the challenge of being expected to remain the same and the impact of this on personal growth.

The message highlights the value of evolution, less drama, patience, and peace.

Remember to leave us your feedback in the comments!

Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

Feeling Othered in the Workplace:

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Hey, Ladies!

Join us this Thursday for a post that delves into the experiences of Black women in the workplace.

We will illuminate their journey in corporate and entrepreneurial spaces, highlighting the challenges they face while working.

Let’s explore how we can address these challenges and create inclusive environments where Black women feel safe, valued, and empowered!

We value your feedback and comments, so remember to share your thoughts with us!

Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

How to Forgive Yourself 101:

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Hey, Ladies!

Tonight’s post offers a five-step, quick, and interactive guide to self-forgiveness. 

It emphasizes accepting imperfections, acknowledging guilt, and, most importantly, showing self-compassion, a crucial step in our journey of self-forgiveness. 

We will discuss how we can honor our feelings and move forward with self-compassion, ultimately promoting peace and prosperity.

Remember to leave us your feedback and comments! 

Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

Insecurities Can’t Live Here Anymore!

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Hey, Ladies!

Tonight’s post is all about saying #NoMore to our insecurities! 

Inspired by “No More (Baby I’ma Do Right),” 3LW advocates for self-respect and leaving behind what no longer serves us. 

Insecurities can hinder relationships, careers, and personal growth. Recognizing and healing from these feelings is crucial. 

Imagine the fulfilling lives we can lead by challenging our limiting beliefs and surrounding ourselves with positive influences. We can overcome our insecurities! 

Let us know in the comments what you won’t be allowing anymore regarding your insecurities with #NoMore! 

Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

How to Quiet Your Invalidation

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Hey Ladies,

Emotional invalidation dismisses someone’s thoughts and feelings, often leading to self-doubt.

By practicing self-validation and seeking support, individuals can overcome emotional invalidation and develop a healthier mindset.

Therefore, check out our latest posts to find ways to “Quiet the Invalidation in Your Life.”

Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

How to Honor the Process:

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Hey Ladies,

Today, we will delve into the significance of embracing life’s challenging seasons, reassuring you that not every moment needs to be thrilling. It’s a normal part of life.

But, more importantly, I want to encourage you to embrace discomfort and uncertainty and emphasize the power of learning from difficult times.

Tonight’s post is truly a tribute to your perseverance and patience. These qualities are not just admirable, but also crucial in navigating the different seasons of life. They help us stay grounded and focused, even in the face of adversity.

Even further, I want to challenge you to keep going, appreciate the essentiality of quiet moments, and see the different ways they can lead to personal growth.

Let us know in the comments how you honor the process. By this, how do you appreciate the journey, the ups and downs, and the personal growth that comes from it?


Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

Out of Office

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

Unfortunately, your girl is down and out! 

I hope to be back next week so we can discuss a new topic! In the meantime, I hope you will catch up on our latest post.

See you all very soon!

Peace & Prosperity, As Always!

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

The Pursuit of Abundance

With Jadis DeShong-Venay!

In “The Pursuit of Abundance,” we will discuss the importance of recognizing and utilizing one’s resources to achieve abundance.

We will encourage gratitude, positive mindsets, and refraining from comparison.

We will emphasize pursuing personal growth and not letting past experiences dictate the present.

In the end, I invite you to share your own pursuit of abundance with our members.

Peace & Prosperity, As Always!

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

Special Announcement

IHateAdulthood’s Second Year Anniversary:

The Year of Abundance!

We have made it to another year! Two years and counting!

Head over to our Instagram Page to check out some of our festivities for the day and enter into our Giveaway!

Thank you for supporting IHateAdulthood and I hope you will continue to moving forward!

Peace & Prosperity, As Always!

IHateAdulthood: The Black Woman’s Search Engine for All Things Adulting!

Chapter 73:

Buyer’s Remorse: Fast Fashion Regrets!

A Rant for that Girl that Needs to Leave That Credit Card Alone, Respectfully!

Chapter 72:

It’s Time to Quit:

How to Know When it is Time To Give Up That Job!

Chapter 71:

What’s the 411?

Black Women Redefining the Basketball World!

Chapter 70:

The Hair Salon: The Jewels That Lie Within

Beauty, Power, and Resistance!

Chapter 69:

Lil Mama Said it Best

My Lip Gloss is Poppin’

Chapter 68:

Get in Loser

We are Going Black Designer Shopping!

Chapter 67:

Why We Don’t Communicate!

How is your lack of clarification impacting your relationships?

Chapter 66:

Are You the Problem in Your Relationship:

How Do Attachment Styles Impact Your Love Life!

Our Return is in Sight:

IHateAdulthood Resumes


A New Slogan: Same Mission


I’ll See Y’all Soon

Chapter 65

Doing What’s Best For You:

How to Stop People Pleasing 101

New Series:

Adulting 101:

Tips on how to Succeed at Adulthood!

Chapter 64:

Mental Health Awareness:

How to Beat the Seasonal Blues?

Chapter 63:

Dating in 2023:

Why are There so Many Damn Rules to Dating?

Chapter 62:

Single Again:

Not Back on the Prowl!

Chapter 61:

Eating Out:

Sis, We Got Food in the Fridge!

Chapter 60:

Elevating Our Dating Relationships:

Removing Gaslighting Behaviors From Our Romantic Situations!

Chapter 59:

Bills are Billing:

Finding a Job 101!

Chapter 58:

Surviving to Thrive:

Helping Black Women Elevate Their Relationships with Themselves!

Chapter 57:

Passion For Fashion:

Helping Black Women Elevate Their Wardrobes!


What’s Coming to IHateAdulthood ?

August Reset!

Chapter 56:

Oops, I Did It Again:

How To Stop Making the Same Mistake Again and Again!

Chapter 55:

How To Get Over Your Fear of Commitment in Relationships ?

The great poet Mario Barrett, once said, “Oh baby, you got what I need. But you say I’m just a friend. You say I’m just a friend” (Mario, 2002). 

I don’t know about you all, but as I get deeper into Adulthood,  I meet more individuals unwilling to place titles on their situation with someone. 

For example, individuals will use words that represent a commitment, but when you break it down, it means they are just friends. 

Don’t get me wrong, individuals can choose to live their lives in any way they want, and this post is not trying to convince them otherwise. 

But, I sometimes wonder if there is a reason why some individuals do not like the titles “boyfriend, girlfriend, partner wife, or husband.”

One reason may be that they are not interested in having a relationship in that form. And, if that is the reason, I respect it.

But, if it’s because they are afraid to use those titles, I wonder how individuals can overcome their fear of commitment in relationships.

As a result, join us four our latest post on IHateAdulthood to hear some ways we can do so. 

Peace + Prosperity!

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 54:

To Procrastinate or Not:

Is Procrastination Costing You Money?

Ladies, one thing that can hold you back in this life is Procrastination. 

Like kryptonite, Procrastination is “something that can seriously weaken or harm” someone (Oxford Languages, 2023). 

Procrastination can take you out and stop you from reaching the goals you wish to achieve in life. 

And, if I am being honest, we are all guilty of procrastinating. 

For example, we may need to work on filing our taxes, applying for a new job, moving away from our comfort zone, paying our bills, trying new hobbies, and going to the gym!

For some reason, our favorite line becomes, “I will do it later.” And, when later comes, we still don’t get up to do it. 

Join us on IHateAdulthood this week to discuss ways we can stop procrastinating, so we don’t lose money!

Peace & Prosperity,

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 53:

Living Life on Deadlines:

Is it Worth It ?

Hey, Ladies!

I cannot believe we are more than halfway done with 2023. The year is moving so quickly; soon, I will blink, and it will be December. 

But before we get there, let’s talk about something that has been on my mind for a few weeks. 

After watching The Breakfast Club on Youtube, as I do every morning, I came across an interesting conversation between Jess Hilarious and a caller.

The caller’s question was about proposing to his girlfriend because she had set the deadline for being married by a certain age. 

Jess immediately responded to the caller’s question and explained that women often put themselves on deadlines, forgetting that it takes two people to tango. 

Jess explained that although she had set deadlines in the past, she realized she didn’t need to.

As a result, we are going to address the topic of whether deadlines are necessary in our post today. 

For example, what will you do if you set a goal of being married by 30 and don’t reach the goal? 

See you all in our latest post! Audio Included!

Chapter 52:

It’s Getting Out Here:

Let’s Talk Hygiene for the Summer!

Hey, Ladies!

One of my favorite Nelly songs, “Hot In Here,” describes how the streets feel these days.

Summer is officially upon us, the sun is going down later, and Outside is calling our names. 

But, Ladies, while outside might be calling, sweat and odor are calling even louder. 

Therefore, I wanted to drop some Hygiene GEMS we can use to keep ourselves smelling good during the summer season.

Tune into our newest post to hear more! Audio included!

Peace & Prosperity,

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 51:

I Want That Black TV Love, Too!

Hey, Ladies!

I was watching re-runs of A Different World the other day, and it made me wonder where the Dwayne’s are.

Ladies, where are the good partners out here?

No, let me STOP! There are Dwayne’s out here.

We just have to find them because women want that TV love, too!

Join US for our post this week for suggestions on how you can find it, Too!

Peace & Prosperity,

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 50:

Let’s Talk Healing:

Have You Been Contributing to Your Demise?

Hey Ladies,

This week on the blog, we will discuss healing. Specifically, we will be answering the question, “Have you, by chance, consciously or unconsciously played a role in your suffering”?

If so, how has it affected you?

If not, how can you make sure it doesn’t?

No matter where you’re on your healing journey this is the post for you!

I will be offering 4 GEMS to help you stop contributing to your demise!

Check out our newest post to learn how you can.

Peace + Prosperity

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 49:

How to Make You #1 Again in Your Life!

Hey Ladies,

This week on the blog, we will discuss how you can prioritize yourself amongst all your responsibilities in adulthood!

Specifically, I will offer 4 GEMS you can use to help you start putting yourself first in life so that you can be the best version of yourself!
Check out our newest post to learn how you can.

Peace + Prosperity

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 48:

Building an Adult Village:

Why is it Essential to Have one?

Hey Ladies,

After talking with my homegirl last week, I decided we needed to discuss building villages for adults on our platform.

Villages offer support, love, accountability, and wisdom! And I will be the first one to say you don’t need a village only as children!

But, more importantly, one’s village does not only have to be family members. It can be friends, elders in the community, co-workers, and your nail lady!

Check out our newest post to learn how to create your own village one step at a time.

Peace + Prosperity

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 47:

The Importance of Pacing Yourself!

Hey Ladies,

After graduating this past week, the main question everyone kept asking me was, “What’s Next?” Now, while there is nothing wrong with this question for someone in a transition period, it can be pretty daunting. 

And I know I can’t be the only one who has felt this way. Whether you’ve graduated, turned a new age, or have moved into a new stage of life, this question is sometimes stressful! 

As a result, I wanted to dedicate our post this week to the Importance of Pacing Ourselves because, sis, life is a marathon, not a race!

Peace + Prosperity

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 46:

Fashionably Fabulous:

How to Step Up Your Fashion Game One Purchase at a Time!

Hey Ladies, 

This week on the blog, I will be discussing how we can step up our wardrobe for the summer one purchase at a time!

Specifically, we will be looking at the hottest fashion trends, and how you can apply them to your wardrobe to build your signature style. 

Please don’t forget to share some of your outfits for the summer below, so we can show off your great style!

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 45:

Setting New Goals for May!

Hey Ladies, 

This week on the blog, I will be offering a goal planner template to help you be able to conquer your goals for MAY!

Please don’t forget to share some of your goals for MAY, so we can support you too!

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Happy One Year Anniversary!

One year ago I started IHateAdulthood not sure of what it would become! 

I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you all who has supported IHateAdulthood, shared our website with a friend, and has tuned into our discussions. 

To our guests, I thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! 

To our readers, I thank you for coming back each week! 

To my family, thank you for helping me create something so magical! 

To God, thank you for never leaving me on this journey! 

This is only the beginning! Let year 2 commence! 

Peace & Prosperity,

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 44:

End of the Month Reflection!

Hi Ladies,

This week on the blog,  we will be completing an end of the month reflection to help us set goals for the month of MAY!

We will be discussing the moments that were positive, challenging, and how we can make next month even better. 

Please don’t forget to share some of your responses to the reflection questions, and or your goals for the  month of May in the comments below. 

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 43:

Dating in 2023:

How? When? Where? Who?

Hi Ladies,

I hope you all are doing well. This week’s post is all about dating in 2023!

And, while I am no relationship expert, I’ve seen enough relationships to know the difference between green and red flags. 

If you have time please join us over on IHateAdulthood to continue our conversation. 

Also, don’t forget to leave your comments and feedback! But more importantly, let us know how you’re doing in your 2023 dating journey.

Audio is available!

Peace + Prosperity, 

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 42:

Trying to Find a Job in Precarious Times!

Hi Ladies,

This week on the blog, we will discuss the often-laborious task of finding a job when we are still determining what we want to do. 

This post is a reminder that you don’t have to have it all figured out, but trying new things may be the way to figure it out.

I hope you will join us for our conversation.

Audio is available!

Please leave us your comments + feedback!  

Peace + Prosperity, 

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 41:

Barriers are meant to be broken:

Don’t let anyone place you in a box!

Hey Ladies!

Our blog post premiering this Thursday will examine how society often puts Black women in boxes, despite all the barriers we have broken!

We’ve gone to the moon! We’ve invented things! We’ve helped run societies! We’ve done the “impossible.”

Yet, we are still provided opinions by others that tell us it’s not possible. For example, is there anything you’ve ever wanted to do, and the views of others have tried to block you?

This week’s post is to empower and encourage us to keep going, to try new things, and to pursue our dreams despite the doubts of others!

Audio is available!

Please leave us your comments + feedback!  

Peace + Prosperity, 

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 40:

The Forbidden Topic:


Hey Ladies!

In our post this week, we will be discussing the daunting task of adulthood entitled Taxes!

In order to help us all survive Tax Season 2023, I have included a few tips and some skills to help you get through your taxes alive! Although taxes can be hard, they are not impossible!

Tax Day is April 18, 2023! Let’s get it done together and one step at a time. 

Audio is available!

Please leave us your comments + feedback!  

Peace + Prosperity, 

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 39:

Sis, you Don’t Always Have to Respond:

Learning the Art of Discerning When Something is Worth Your Energy or Not!

Hey Ladies!

In our post this week, we will be discussing the importance of discernment: learning the art of discerning when something is worth your energy or not.

Have you ever wanted to clap back at an individual? Have you group chats ever been like a Twitter Battle? Let’s discuss how we can change the response in our post today.

Audio is available!

Please leave us your comments + feedback!

Peace + Prosperity,

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 38:

Always, Remember to Celebrate Your Wins!

Hey Ladies!

Happy Women’s History Month!

I know I’ve been MIA for a while, but I am back with another topic for us to address!

In our post this week, we will be discussing how important it is to remember to celebrate our wins! 

Audio is available!

Please leave us your comments + feedback!  

Peace + Prosperity, 

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Breaking News:

IHateAdulthood is Taking a Break!

Hey Ladies,

After much consideration, I will be taking a two week break from posting on Ihateadulthood’s website, as I prepare for my large exam coming up next week.

While I don’t want to take a break, if I don’t your girl is going to be stressed out! Therefore, to practice positive self-care, I have decided to take a little break. 

Don’t worry, I will be back on 03/15 with new content, and will be addressing another topic that helps us conquer the absurdities associated with adulthood.

If you all need anything, please don’t hesitate to DM me. I will still post on my story, there will just be no new posts on the website.

Thank you in advance for your understanding! 

Peace + Prosperity!


Chapter 37:

Black History Month Spotlight on Black Women Doing the Damn Thing:

Kamaka Martin!

Hey Ladies, 

Our second Black History Month Spotlight on Black Women Doing the Damn Thing is now live!

We will talk to Kamaka Martin, a successful lawyer and founder of Better Insight Consulting! 

In our discussion, we will cover topics ranging from entrepreneurship, self-advocacy, law, women in leadership, navigating adulthood as a black woman, and Better Insight Consulting! 

Grab a pen and notepad because you will not want to miss this great conversation!

Please join us and leave us your comments! 

Audio & Visual is available!

Thank you to our special Guest!

Peace + Prosperity, 


Chapter 36:

Black History Month Spotlight on Black Women Doing the Damn Thing:

Melda Moda!

Hey Ladies, 

In our post this week, we we will be honoring the Black Women in our Lives through a conversation with Melissa Lockhart founder of Melda Moda!

We will be discussing how to step into the entrepreneurship space, building a fashion business from the ground up, and how to navigate the business space as a Black Woman!

I hope you will join us and leave us your comments! 

Video is Available!

Thank you to our special Guest!

Peace + Prosperity, 


Chapter 35:

Ladies Night!

Hey Ladies!

Happy Black History Month!

In our post this week, we we will be honoring the Black Women in our Lives through a conversation with our homegirls!

We will be discussing love, friendship, careers, being a Black Woman in our society, and hating adulthood!

I hope you will join us and leave us your comments!

Audio is available!

Thank you to our special Guests!

Peace + Prosperity, 


Chapter 34:

How To Stop Letting Self-Limiting Beliefs Get in Your Way!

Hey Ladies!

Happy Black History Month!

In our post this week, we will be discussing how to stop letting self-limiting beliefs get in your way! Through teamwork, we will challenge our negative thoughts that stop us from reaching our fullest potential one step at a time. 

Don’t worry if it is hard to challenge those negative thoughts alone, we will tackle them together!

Audio is available!

Therefore, you’re ready to be successful in February!

Please leave us your comments + feedback!  

Peace + Prosperity, 


Chapter 33:

What To Do When You’re Not Sure What to Do Next!

Hey Ladies!

In our post this week, we will be doing something different on our platform. Specifically, we will discuss what to do when you need help figuring out what to do next.

On the IHateAdulthood platform, we will complete an end-of-the-month reflection on how to help you figure out your next moves. 

Therefore, you’re ready to be successful in February!

Please leave us your comments + feedback!  

Peace + Prosperity,


Chapter 32:

Just Because It Wasn’t Your Intention Doesn’t Mean It Didn’t Leave an Impact!

Hey Ladies!

Arthur Carmazzi once said, “Every action we take impacts the lives of others around us. The question is: Are you aware of your impact” (Carmazzi, 2021)?

If you’re not or if you are turn into our newest post on the importance of understanding intent vs. impact in relationships.

Leave us your comments + feedback!

Audio Included!

Peace + Prosperity,


Chapter 31:

Seeing Past the Perfection:

How To Not Get Lost in the Sauce of Social Media

This week on the blog, we will discuss a few ways you can protect yourself from getting lost in the sauce of social media!

Social media can be helpful and detrimental if not used appropriately!

Check out the blog to find ways to protect yourself, keep social media positive for you, and to remain THAT GIRL!

Audio Included!

Peace + Prosperity,

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter 30:

New Year, Same You:

Different Perspective

Happy New Year, Ladies!

This week on the blog we are going to be discussing the importance of changing your mindset, so that you can be prosperous in 2023!

New Year, Same You: Different Perspective!

Audio Included!

Peace + Prosperity,

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter 29:

Cashin’ Out on 2022!

Hi, Ladies!

This week on the blog we will be cashin‘ out on the biggest lessons of 2022!

Using hot topics from social media we will be DISCUSSING what mistakes you SHOULDN’T make in The new year!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter 28:

Independent Grown Woman Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide

Hi, Ladies!

As we embark on the Holiday season, I wanted to share a few Gift Ideas for Independent Grown Women looking to shop for their friends, loved ones, and significant others!

Choosing Gifts is not always easy! But this Independent Grown Woman Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide will only improve it!

Let Us Know In the Comments If Any of The Tips Were Helpful!

Happy Holidays!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter 27:

Overcoming the Fear of Failure!

Hi, Ladies!

As we get closer to 2023, it’s time to let go of negative mindsets that may be trying to hold us back from our goals!

Therefore, this week on the blog, we will discuss failure and how we can overcome it!

But more importantly, we will discuss how letting this concept go can set us up for a successful and productive 2023!

Chapter 26:

The Art of Letting Go:

Forgiveness 101!

Hey Ladies,

I will be the first to admit that letting go of past hurt can be complex and daunting!

The hurt someone causes can leave us with damage sometimes we can’t handle!

But we don’t have to unburden ourselves from the situations we endure any more!

Check out our latest post on how to forgive those who have done you wrong in the past so that you can have a better tomorrow!

Please, remember to leave us your comments and feedback.

Peace + Prosperity, as always!


Chapter 25:

Getting Through The Holidays After Loss!

Hey Ladies,

For many people, the Holidays can be such a joyous time where you get to spend time with friends, family, and even loved ones!

But, it also can be challenging, as many individuals are experiencing the Holidays without their loved ones around.

Therefore, we will be discussing some ways how to get through the holidays after loss on our post today!

Please, don’t forget to leave us your comments and feedback.

Peace + Prosperity, as always!


From the Desk of Jadis!

Happy Monday, Ladies!

I hope all is well! Due to the holiday this week, I will be taking some time off from the blog to enjoy my family & friends! I will be back next week with new topics!

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful time with either friends or family.

And, if you don’t, I hope you will enjoy the day off and take care of your well-being. 

Don’t forget to catch up on our latest posts!
Peace + Propserity, 


Chapter 24:

Budgeting 101:

Sis, Don’t Go Broke During the Holidays!

Hi Ladies,

In honor of the holidays approaching, I thought it would be important to discuss some ways we can keep our bank accounts from over drafting during this often expensive portion of the year! 

I will be dropping some GEMS to help you conquer the holiday season in a financially smart way! 

Therefore, ladies I hope you will bring a friend along for the discussion and let us know what you think of the tips given! 

Peace + Prosperity,


Chapter 23:

Why Does My Crown Seem To Bother Yours, SIS?

Hi Ladies,

I hope you will join us for our newest post!

Why Does My Crown Seem to Bother Yours, Sis?

Don’t forget to share with us your thoughts in the comments!

Disclaimer: This conversation is not to bash anyone. It is just a response to a few things I have seen on social media!

Peace + Prosperity,


Chapter 22:

Trusting Yourself 101:

How To Honor Your Intuition

Hi Ladies,

I hope you will join us for our newest post!

We will be learning how to use our inner voices to help us make the best decisions in our lives possible!

See You All In the Comments!

Peace and Prosperity,

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter 21:

What No One Tells You About Domestic Violence:

An Intimate Conversation on Domestic Violence Awareness

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we will be bringing on Rev. Traci Jackson to help us gain insight into this critical topic! 

Therefore, ladies, I hope you will bring a friend along for the conversation and let us know what you think of our discussion in the comments. 

Peace and Prosperity,

IHateAdulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

Chapter 20:

Five Ways to Become That Girl:

Let’s Boost Our Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence Together!

I hope you will join us for our newest post!

This will be fruitful conversation how we can boost our own confidence, so that we can show up as That Girl everyday! 

Therefore, ladies make sure you bring you a pen and a notepad because we are going to be learning a thing or two! 

We look forward to your comments and feedback!

Chapter 19:

HeartBreak Central Playlist:

How To Get Over a Breakup 101!

Hi Ladies!

Cuffing Season is Right Around The Corner! But, Before You Hop into that Next Relationship, You Have To Make Sure You Heal! 

Tune into on 10-12 @ 1 PM to get some good GEMS on how to let go of the past and move forward! 

These suggestions will not only help you be ready for the next relationship, but will also help you do some inner work for your self-growth! 

We look forward to your comments and feedback! 

Chapter 18:

Breaking Every Chain:

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Tendencies in Adulthood!

Hi Ladies!

I hope you will join us for our newest post!

This will be a fruitful conversation on how we can stop blocking our blessings and get out of our own ways so that we can create success in our lives!

Therefore, ladies make sure you bring a pen and a notepad because I am going to be dropping some gems!

Chapter 17:

Renting 101 Part Two!

Hi Ladies! Join us for the finale of the two-part Renting 101 series on IHateAdulthood’s Website!

We will be discussing rental terminology, contracts/leases, advice, and much more with our special guest Denisha McDonald!

And don’t forget to head to our Instagram page afterward to join in on our post-discussion conversation!

Peace and Prosperity as Always,


Chapter 16:

How Many of Us, Real Friends?

Hi Ladies! Join us for an in-depth conversation with my oldest friend, Janai (@naibbee) about navigating friendships as adults!

Topic: How Many of Us, Real Friends?

Make sure you grab yourself a drink, a bag of popcorn, and even your homegirl for this conversation! We are addressing the good, bad, and the in-between!

Don’t forget to leave us a comment, a like, or even continue the conversation with us on Instagram!

Peace and Prosperity as Always,


Chapter 15:

Renting 101!

Ladies, Ask, and You Shall Recieve!

We are finally starting our series on renting & homeownership on the IHateAdulthood Website!

Click the link below to watch our First Interview on All Things Needed to Conquer Renting in Adulthood!

We will be discussing rental terminology, contracts/leases, advice, and much more with our special guest Denisha McDonald

We are looking forward to your comments and feedback!

Chapter 14:

We Need an APB on Jadis DeShong-Venay!

I know it’s been a long time since we last spoke to each other, and you have probably been wondering what I have been doing during my break from IHateAdulthood.

Honestly, before I tell you what I have been doing, I should be honest and share why I took some space for a little while. 

There will always be transparency on this blog, even if it means that sometimes we have to be vulnerable with each other about the hardships in our life. 

Changes for August

Hi Ladies!

Click Below to Find Out More About Some of the Changes Taking Place on IHateAdulthood’s Website for the Month of August!

Peace and Prosperity as Always, 

Jadis DeShong-Venay


Hello Everyone, 

As I prepare for the first Independent Grown Woman Chat on Friday at 7 PM on Instagram Live, I have decided there will be no new post this week!

Therefore, I can prepare and be ready for our conversation.

Although there will be no post this week, I will be back with new content next week!

Therefore, in the meantime, please catch up on our latest posts! 

Leave us a Comment!

And I will see you all Friday on Our Instagram Page at 7 PM!

(Our Instagram Link is Below! But you can also find us @Ihateadulthood)

Peace and Prosperity as Always, 

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter 13:

Money, Money, Money:

Let’s Talk, Money, Honey!

Ladies, my favorite notification on my iPhone every two weeks is that my direct deposit was successfully cleared!

It is something about knowing all of your hard work is paying off that makes me very happy.

And although I am not in my DREAM job yet, I am climbing up the ladder of success to reach my goals.

But, you know what the problem is when you

have $, you also have bills!

The phone bill!

The credit card bill!

The grocery bill!

The car note!

The rent!

Chapter 12:

Girl, You Look Good:

5 Ways to Build Your Fashion Wardrobe!

One of my favorite compliments of all time is, “Girl, You Look Good!”

Whether it is coming from my friend, significant other, co-workers, or even a stranger on the street, hearing those words makes my day ten times brighter. 

It makes me feel like I did the dang thang when I was spending hours searching through my closet for something to wear, trying on things that I know don’t fit, and praying I can get dressed for my outing all in 25 minutes because I spent too much time catching up on the latest episode of the CHI or Basketball Wives!

Ladies, we have all been there destroying our bedroom, closets, and drawer sets trying to put together a cute outfit, so not only do we look presentable, but we don’t look like we just woke up thirty minutes ago. 

And, while sometimes that process can be fun! You get in the right mood, play some good music, and run around your room to put your next fashionable outfit together. 

It’s the clean-up afterward that gets me! I’ll come home to a disaster and am too tired to want to clean it until the next day!

Independent Grown Woman Chat!

Major Announcement:


On July 29, 2022 @ 7 pm on Instagram Live, we will be hosting our First Independent Grown Woman Chat!

During the live, we will discuss everything about being black women, relationships, social media, adulthood, and life!

I hope you will join our conversation and bring your homegirls along because it is going down on July 29 at 7 pm!

We Can’t-Wait to See You There!

More information to follow!

Peace + Prosperity as Always,

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter 10:

It’s Giving Independent Grown Woman Summer Vibes!

With monumental decisions in the Supreme Court just last week, Beyoncé telling us we should never let anyone break our souls, money to be made, dreams to conquer, and BIG Latto telling us never to let them play us like we average!

I don’t know about y’all but our moment has yet again risen for the world to hear us and accomplish what we have been hoping to do!

Because in Summer 2022, We Outside! 

We are becoming the Independent Grown Women we seek to be and marching to our own beats!

Shutting down the Internet with all our powerful moves and basking in the beauty the sun offers us!

Summer 2022 is giving Black Women Boss Vibes!

Chapter 9:

Good Morning Gorgeous:

Girl, Your Morning Routine Matters to Your Success!

Ladies, after listening to Mary J. Blige discuss her last album on The Breakfast Club, I wondered how many other women in the morning use affirmations to get their day started. 

Blige, who uses the words Good Morning Gorgeous, explained that through saying those words every day, she was able to overcome and conquer the hardships she faced post-divorce. 

While I know not all of us out, there are experiencing the side effects of divorce. We may be experiencing breakups, significant life changes, hardships, or just seeking to elevate our everyday lives. 

This post will address some ways as Independent Grown Women; we can create happiness, peace, and joy by implementing a few changes to our daily morning routine. 

Chapter 8:

Elevate, Elevate; The Only Obligation We Got is to Tell it Straight!

I seek to become something I’ve never been before. 
And to elevate, I must be honest and tell it straight. 
Because otherwise, as Diddy said about Caresha, I will not be living authentically!

Chapter 7:

Love Don’t Cost A Thing:

So, Should You Settle?

I’ve often wondered if it is a good idea to settle in Love. 

After having conversations with fellow women in my life about if settling is a good idea, I was given many answers.

Some said settling is okay, and others said no!

One woman said, “compromising on your “wish list” because you want to find love and don’t want to be lonely is not a good excuse to stay with someone.


Hello Everyone, 

After trying to complete finals these last few days, I have decided there will be no new post on the blog this week!

Therefore, I can recuperate from my last term!

Although there will be no post this week, I will be back with new content and fresh ideas next week!

Therefore, in the meantime, please catch up on our latest posts! 

Leave us a Comment!

And I will see you all next week on the blog!

Peace and Prosperity as Always, 

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Chapter #6:

We Need “Superwoman” Too:

It’s Ok Not To Always Be Ok!

I don’t know about you all, but it’s hard for me to express myself when going through something. 

More importantly, it’s hard to tell others what’s going on during rough times because no one wants to be judged for their emotions or feelings. 

Often, as Black women, when we are going through things or life is not going according to the plan we have created, we feel like we are failing. 

Chapter #5:

Ladies, It’s Time to Stop Blocking Your Blessings:

The Importance of Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Everyone in the world is trying to learn how to grow. Individuals may want to grow personally, financially, and or mentally. 

Everyone is looking for a new hot-fix to get themselves further than they are now.

But, what if I told you the remedy people are often looking for is not something they can buy, it’s not something they can receive from others, and it’s not something they can get from the next women’s conference. 

Chapter #4:

Girl, Don’t Leave Your Voice at Home:

The Importance of Speaking Up For Yourself

Therefore, sister, NEVER forget your voice! Like you, never forget your phone, handbag/backpack, lipstick/lip-gloss/Chapstick, or even lotion at home!

Don’t forget your voice at home either!

Carry it with you everywhere you go! 

Chapter #3:

Price Ain’t Nothing But a Number

I can’t lie; I love me some perfume!

*DISCLAIMER: The following post is no shade to the ladies who love perfume, but Sister to Sister try it on in the house before you wear it in the wrong room.

Chapter #2:

Let’s Talk About User Friends, Baby!

From the beginning of time, the necessity for companionship has existed.

I mean, let’s be honest, even Adam was still friends with Eve after she ate the Apple in the Garden.

So, if we have needed fellowship since Biblical times, why the hell is it so hard to find friends in the modern days?

Chapter #1:

No One Wins, When the Family Feuds

Whether you live with your Mama and Daddy like me or live states apart, everyone has to learn how to deal with family over the age of 21.

You may have to learn to assert yourself without hurting your dear Mama’s feelings Respectfully! 

You may have to learn how to become your Own Woman with family, Respectfully


Why Was Adulthood Created?

During this discussion, we will explore the origins of I Hate Adulthood: A Young Black Woman’s Kick-Ass Guide to Being an Independent Grown Woman!

The Writer

Hey There!

I’m Jadis.

Thanks for stopping by I Hate Adulthood! I am a Boston-based self-proclaimed writer and hater of all things Adulthood. On this blog, you will find tips (GEMS), support, community, and advice for succeeding as an Independent Black Woman. Although it won’t be easy, this will be a platform where you can find all things necessary to Acing Adulthood’s Absurdities!

Check back often for blog posts, updated resources, and Q & A’s!

Peace & Prosperity,

Jadis DeShong-Venay

Join the Community

We’re thrilled to have you here! If you don’t want to miss when we post, you can subscribe to our posting alerts!

You can also follow us on our Social Media pages to get updates, receive notice when we post, and interact with the IHateAdulthood community!

Gwendolyn’s Corner

Have you ever needed a piece of advice? But didn’t know where to go for guidance? Gwendolyn’s Corner may be the place for you!

Inspired by my late grandmother, Gwendolyn’s Corner of Wisdom will offer advice and support on topics addressing all of our adulthood problems.

Need advice? Have a Question?

And, don’t worry it is ANONYMOUS!

Click Here To Ask Your Question