The Pursuit of Abundance

You may have seen the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, but one of my favorite moments in the film is when Will Smith finally gets the job (Muccino, 2006).

Not only because I was happy that he finally won but also because he never stopped letting his circumstances convince him that where he was trying to go was IMPOSSIBLE. 

Alan Weiss, “It’s not what happens to you. It’s what you do before it, during it, and after it” that matters. And it’s the main reason why I am in pursuit of ABUNDANCE. 

If I let what happened to me define me, I would be unable to see the abundance of resources I have received. 

According to the Dictionary, abundant means” well supplied with something, abounding, richly supplied as with resources” (Dictionary, 2024). 

And ladies, we are all equipped with some form of resources that we often forget, getting caught up in our day-to-day lives. 

We forget to step back and realize we have already received all we need. It is now time to act on it. 

Living a life of abundance does not mean focusing on the material things we have or forgetting the hardships that happen in life; instead, we focus on giving thanks for the blessings in our lives rather than what we lack. 

Ladies, you are living one of your prayers, manifestations, or dreams right now. And, while it may not have been all you thought it would be, it’s what you’ve been working towards. 

I will give you an example. 

Maybe your current job is draining your life; there are co-workers who don’t treat you with respect, and your days are starting to dwindle. 

Hope that it will improve has dissipated! 

But there’s a bright side: you now know what works for you and what doesn’t. 

You now know that at the next job interview, you will ask the questions that need to be asked and will use the money you have earned to create a different dream for yourself. 

I understand that life gets hard; sometimes, throwing in the towel is the best option. 

Today, I encourage you to pause and consider what you can be grateful for, even in uncomfortable circumstances. 

If we get caught up in the day-to-day shenanigans of adulthood, we will get nowhere. Therefore, sometimes you must remember that it wasn’t weeds that grew from the concrete but a rose. 

And you are that rose! 

Ask yourself, “What needs to be watered in your life? What needs to be tended to in your life? What do you need to cut away? And what resources are available for you to tap into so you can continue to survive?”

I am no expert, but focusing on the negatives leaves room for negativity. 

And sometimes, it’s hard to see the positives in situations that are no longer conducive. Although this may be true, there is always another side to the problem. 

If you can’t see the positives, ask someone to help you see them. 

You may ask, how does one pursue abundance?

Some will say earthly possessions; others will say a spiritual connection. Align yourself with a definition of abundance that is helpful for your growth and allows you to hold yourself accountable. 

Get yourself a gratitude journal or a positivity journal. You all know you love spending money at Target, so buy yourself a notebook. 

Create time in your day to see what has gone right and what you have made progress on. 

Look at situations from a more positive mindset. Yes, you’re heartbroken, but you’re free from someone else’s nonsense. 

Yes, you’re lonely, but you’re not in bad company. 

Yes, you’re financially not sound, but you’re wealthy in spirit. 

They lied. They don’t have all that they are showing. 

Focus on you and where you’re going. 

If accounts are stopping you from reaching your goals, block them! 

If people are stopping you from seeing the beauty in you, tell them to go! 

If you’re stopping yourself from being great, release what you need to let go of! 

“It’s not what happens to you. It’s what you do before it, during it, and after it” (Weiss, 

Stop letting yesterday dictate today. 

Let me know in the comments how you pursue a life of abundance. 

Is it difficult?

Do you need help to start?

Peace & Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

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