Bills are Billing: Finding a Job 101!

Disclaimer: There are other ways to create income besides working at someone else’s company. But, entrepreneurship is only for some. If you would like tips on doing it through that route, please check out some of our interviews where we have discussed entrepreneurship! 

I’ve been thinking, and y’all, these bills are billing out here!

Society is becoming more expensive, and inflation is on the rise! 

But, even with these realities being accurate, having an income is essential to survive. 

As we know, for September and October, we are discussing topics that help us elevate our experiences in Adulthood. 

One way I love to elevate my experiences in Adulthood is by finding ways to create income that allows me to work toward financial 


Now, of course, it doesn’t always mean I will be able to rock the latest designer threads, but it does mean that the bills I do have can be paid. 

And I don’t know about you, but having my bills paid brings me peace of mind. 

But let’s be honest: the job market is sometimes even scarier than the bills we pay. Finding somewhere that allows you to feel comfortable, pays you well, and helps you survive daily takes time, energy, and much patience. 

And, ladies, that’s where IHateAdulthood comes in to save the day! Now, while we can’t supply the job (we wish), we can offer a few tips for you to find the next job that provides those needs. 

Now, we are not experts! These are TIPS we have used to find work in our society, and they’ve helped to a certain extent. 

Therefore, always trust your instincts when applying for jobs! But if they help, let us know in the comments below. 

#1: Build a good resume

Now, I will admit that building a resume can be challenging. But it is not impossible. There are a lot of free references online that make it super easy, and all you have to do is plug in your information. 

Let me tell you, Google and YouTube can be your best friends! I’ve seen individuals on YouTube walk people step by step on how to create resumes, and Google will send you to websites that even show you templates you can use to create your own. 

For my ladies in school, utilize the resources at your career center. Some trained individuals will help create a resume that allows jobs to understand what you need and what skills you provide. 

But, even further, ask a friend or family member. Often, we already have individuals in our back pockets who are great at editing resumes. Never be afraid to ask for help. You don’t have to do Adulthood alone. 


Now, I will be the first to admit that it took me a while to understand the importance of networking. But now that your girl understands the importance of networking, please believe I will be talking to my network about the job market to know what should be my best next steps. 

Often, individuals find jobs not from their resumes but from those they know.

You know that saying, “Your name has already entered into rooms you’ve never been in,” this is an example of that concept. 

Now, I know it can be awkward to network. But, sometimes, we have to fake it to make it. Therefore, don’t go alone. Take a friend or a family member who is looking to build work as well, and go! 

If you don’t have anyone, go scared, but speak to a few people. Sometimes, those small conversations are the ones that get us to the larger ones. 

Now, where do I find networking events? Here is where handy dandy Google, LinkedIn, and Eventbrite come into play. 

All you have to do is search, sign up, and go. Pace yourself and know that you don’t have to speak to everyone. You only have to talk to a few.

#3: Don’t only search the popular job websites!

There are a lot of websites out here that can assist you in finding jobs. 

For example, check out Glassdoor, Career Builder, LinkedIn, Black Girls in Media, Indeed, and much more! 

However, ladies always check with the job’s actual website to know if the position has been filled. Sometimes, job websites still need to be updated, and I would hate for you to waste your time. 

#4: Set aside time for your job search and take breaks

Being diligent and patient is essential while you’re on your job search. Everyone’s job search is going to be different. 

Therefore, even if your homegirl is found somewhere in two weeks, it doesn’t mean you’re not qualified. Everyone’s journey is going to look contrasting. 

As a result, don’t give up! But, take breaks. 

If you become frustrated, step away for a few days and then return. I have stepped away for weeks and returned to the drawing board. 

Offer yourself grace. Finding a job is not easy, but as I said above, it is not impossible. 

#5: Follow up after interviews, and don’t lie! 

Listen, even if the job is not for you, always say thank you! 

Even if the interview doesn’t go according to plan, say thank you! 

Sometimes, the thank you gets you to the next round. Sometimes, the thank you puts you on the radar for another position at the company. 

And don’t lie, ladies. Be honest! 

Honesty is the best policy when you’re looking for a job. 

Even if you’re worried you didn’t do well during the interview, not lying can often push you to the next round. 

So, be honest, professional, and kind! 

We will continue our conversation on finding jobs as time passes, but here is a start! 

Let me know in the comments: what is one thing that stops you from applying for new jobs?

On our Instagram poll, most individuals said it’s because of pay.

But what about you? What is often the deal breaker?

I will see you all in our next post. 

Peace & Prosperity, 

Jadis DeShong-Venay

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