Eating Out: Sis, We Got Food in the Fridge!

Let me be the first to admit that I love ordering some good takeout. After a long day of work, I have no desire to cook a homemade meal. 

I’m tired. I want to relax. And I want to binge-watch my latest show! 

But I’ve realized that I end up breaking the bank by ordering out more than once a week. 

And I have recently been telling myself the exact phrase my mama used to say to me when I’d ask for fast food, “we got food in the fridge, Jadis.”

Y’all, she may have been right. After reviewing my finances for the last few months, I’ve realized your girl loves to eat out. 

But I know I am not the only one. Eating out is a treat for those who identify as foodies like me! 

It is a lifestyle! Lol! 

But, it also costs more and more money. For example, what you used to cost a person $25 for a meal now costs double what it used to, which means you are losing more money in your account. 

And, y’all, I need my money! I have bills to pay, so eating out has to slow down. 

As much as I like the convivence of ordering takeout or heading to a restaurant, if I don’t, the food in my fridge will continue to spoil, door dash/uber will get richer, and my pockets will get broker. 

And I know I am not the only one who experiences these feelings. Adulthood is already hard enough, so adding on cooking can make your head hurt. 

But I’ve realized that cracking open that cookbook or using that recipe on TikTok/Youtube saves money. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, groceries aren’t cheap; inflation is real! But, when you break down the fees you pay for delivery, the tax, the tip, and the meal, it is cheaper to stay home. 

So, ladies, make your environment at home as 5-star as those restaurants you order from. Purchase those aesthetically pleasing pots and pans. 

Get you a cute apron, buy you those gadgets that make it easier to cook, and meal prep the heck out of your wallet. 

Otherwise, you are going to notice when you look at where your money went at the end of the year you are going to be asking yourself, “damn, I ain’t know I eat out so much?”

Now, I am not saying give up takeout or eating out forever. It provides convenience, but some people weren’t given the gift to cook, and that’s okay. 

But, there are simple meals you can try that don’t require chef-like abilities, like salad, alfredo pasta, spaghetti, tacos, mac & cheese, shrimp, and other things. 

So, maybe you order or go out twice a month, and the other days of the month, you cook simple meals that are tasty and get the job done. 

As a result, you keep more money in your pocket, and you may gain a new skill! 

Maybe we should bring a chef to IHateAdulthood to teach us a quick, easy, affordable, and simple meal. I’ll see what I can do. 

But today’s post reminds you that elevating your financial status isn’t always about sitting down with a financial advisor (although it can be helpful). It is sometimes about making small changes that leave lasting effects on your financial state. 

Cutting back on ordering out can help you have more money left over after paying your bills. 

Or, it may give you a few extra dollars to pay your student loan debt. 

Or it could even allow you to have a few extra dollars to afford a life coach or therapist to heal from some of the things you’ve experienced. 

Saving $ isn’t always fun! But, having $ in your pocket feels better than living paycheck to paycheck. 

If you’re not following us on Instagram, sis, what are you doing? We poll each week on hot media topics and our weekly conversations on our website. 

This week’s question was, “What is your favorite type of food to order?”

20% of our community said Chinese food, 60% said burgers/wings, and 20% said soul/Caribbean food! 

What about y’all? What is your favorite takeout food? 

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

But, seriously ladies are y’all going to start to pull back on ordering out? Or, is it a lifestyle you seek to maintain?

I’ll see you all in our next post!

Peace and Prosperity, as always! 

Jadis DeShong-Venay

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