Blog Post #15

Chapter 14: We Need an APB on Jadis DeShong-Venay! Where is Jadis? Where has she been?

I know it’s been a long time since we last spoke to each other, and you have probably been wondering what I have been doing during my break from IHateAdulthood.

Honestly, before I tell you what I have been doing, I should be honest and share why I took some space for a little while. 

There will always be transparency on this blog, even if it means that sometimes we have to be vulnerable with each other about the hardships in our life. 

During the month of July, I was feeling and still am feeling very burnt out. Being in grad school, working a job, writing for a blog, writing for a radio station, and still trying to have time for myself became very complicated. 

I was tired. I was stressed and searching for some form of peace that didn’t exist by me doing more work. 

In the last month and some change, I have realized that sometimes in adulthood, pauses are necessary. 

Pauses on your passions 

Pauses at your workplace

Pauses from relationships 

Pauses from yourself

And although I genuinely missed speaking with you all weekly, I needed to pause for myself. 

I needed a few weeks to figure out where does IHateAdulthood go from here.

Where does Jadis go from here? 

Where do we go from here as a community? 

And, I have decided we can only go up from here.

I will not lie; I already know it will not be an easy journey. There may be times when we retake pauses because Jadis is human, lol!

But, I can promise that we will tackle this journey of adulthood together in a way conducive to our mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional health. 

But more importantly, we will tackle the absurdities of adulthood together one day, one moment, and one second at a time. 

Therefore, I hope you will continue on this journey with me of navigating the absurdities associated with adulthood. I hope you will invite others along our voyage, and I hope you will share with me how your journey is going because I want to support you just as much as you help me! 

Now that I have shared with you why I took a break, I have to tell you what I have been up to because your girl has done a lot! 

I have created content! 

In our next post, there will be conversations on friendships, apartment hunting, dating, and much more.

We will have new segments on our platform, and you will slowly start seeing small website changes. 

So, prepare for our fun discussions, and expect more! I am bringing in experts who know how to get us far in conquering adulthood! 

Therefore, grab yourself a notepad because you’re going to want to take some notes. 

And, share with me what more you want to learn about because I am willing to research to get you the best answers to help you succeed for FREE! 

In addition, to building out IHateAdulthood, I have traveled! 

If you head over to Instagram throughout the next two weeks, I will share what my trips looked like and give a more visual outlook on my last month and some change! 

I have studied for school! Your girl only has to register for classes one more time, God willing! 

I have wanted to quit school! Lol! Okay, maybe I still want to! Lol! 

Honestly, Grad school is not easy! And, whoever lied to you and said it was, you should ask them to have several seats! 

Grad school is a journey of ups and downs! It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. Please let me know if you would like me to do a more in-depth Q & A on my grad school journey! 

I can record a sit-down video answering tons of questions! 

In addition, to conquer the beast that Grad school is, I kept up on what was going on in the media! 

Angela Yee is leaving the Breakfast Club! (Shocking but exciting)

Irv Gotti’s comments on Ashanti! (I think an apology may need to be issued)

The VMA’s! (Nicki Minaj won the Video Vanguard Award)

Will Smith’s apology video to Chris Rock! (How does Will Smith move forward from the Oscar moment)

Serena Williams is retiring from Tennis! (What will she do next)

There has been a lot going on in our society! 

And, I have had many opinions. What about all of you? 

What hot topic has made you go, oh shoot, in the past month? Let me know below!

Well, I don’t want to hold you much longer! I just wanted to explain why I went MIA, what I was doing during my “Where is Waldo” phase, what will be coming next, and how we can continue to conquer the absurdities associated with adulthood together!

I am looking forward to our continued future together!

Peace + Prosperity as Always!

I have missed saying that!

See all of you next week,

Jadis DeShong-Venay  

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