Blog Post #37: Always, Remember To Celebrate Your Wins!

Chapter 38: Always, Remember To Celebrate Your Wins!

Hey, Ladies! I hope you all have been peaceful and prosperous! 

I know I have been MIA for the past two weeks, but it was for a good reason, and it provided the subject matter for our conversation today. 

Frequently, we will always be in go mode, unable to cherish the fruits of our labor. 

We will work tirelessly, experience sleepless nights, and not take the necessary breaks to accomplish the things on our to-do lists. 

And, if you’re anything like me, breaks and celebrating are rarely in my vocabulary.

But, for the past two years, I have worked incredibly long hours to accomplish one of my most extensive goals since undergrad. 

If this is your first time tuning into IHateAdulthood, you may not know, but I am in a master’s program.

This Master’s program sometimes requires a lot of prayer, energy, and laughter, so I don’t cry.

But this past Monday made it all worth it. 

After preparing for six weeks straight for my final exam of my Master’s program, taking two weeks off from IHateAdulthood, juggling my job & internship, and being unable to hang with friends, I am proud to announce that I passed with flying colors! 

Your girl is one step closer to graduating with her Master’s! And, although I still have a little way to go, Monday at 2:05 PM was all the motivation I needed to keep pushing forward!

Ladies, even if it is not a master’s, if it is undergrad, finishing your GED, starting a new job, getting a certificate for a trade, buying a new car, putting your first payment down on an apartment, leaving a toxic friendship/relationship, accomplishing one of the goals on your to-do list, or even just waking up today and breathing fresh air please know there is something for you to celebrate!

Frequently we will keep pushing and not pause to celebrate our wins! Today’s post reminds you that your wins should be celebrated no matter how big or small!

Maybe others will not understand! Others may judge or laugh, but it doesn’t matter! If you’re proud, sis, so am I!

And, if you needed the reassurance and validity to celebrate you, baby girl, let me be the first to offer it to you!

 I am proud of you! And I am proud of the positive steps you’re taking to conquer the absurdities associated with adulthood one day at a time!

In the past month, we learned about many women on our website doing the damn thing! And, sis, I’d like to remind you that you’re also doing the dang thing in Women’s History Month!

Don’t let the past scare you from celebrating your wins! I know we are taught to celebrate only after the moment, but I dare you to celebrate the moment before!

I dare you to tell God your needs and believe you will receive the victory!

Thank you so much for allowing me this two-week break to study as much as possible because I would not have passed the test without it!

Thank you to those who gave me well wishes, and I hope today’s message leaves you with the exact well wishes you offered me! 

You may be asking Jadis, how does one celebrate their wins?

And, as always, I got your back! 

Sis, take a personal day; that is what PTO is for, according to your contracts!

Treat yourself to a day of self-care!

Buy yourself a nice gift (I know your cart has a pair of shoes or clothes ready for purchase)!

Take yourself on a date (At-home or at a Restaurant), or let someone else take you out on a date! 

Girl, I know you got options! And, even if you don’t, darling, you will find someone at the restaurant to buy you a cocktail or mocktail of your choice! 

Or, honey, call them homegirls or homeboys for a night out on the town!

Thank God!

But most importantly, remember to celebrate your wins for yourself internally as well. Reward yourself for the progress you’ve made, and offer yourself some positive affirmations!

Ladies, we will beat ourselves up with self-limiting or negative beliefs that stop us or make us feel like we aren’t capable, but when you do accomplish your goal, please add that to the list of proof that you can do anything you put your mind to every day. 

For example, “I can’t finish cosmetology school.”

Proof that dispels that idea: “I completed 20 hours towards finishing cosmetology school this past week.”

Because as my boyfriend tells me all the time, “You’re are Her!”

And HER is capable of anything she sets out to do!

I won’t hold you up for too much longer. I just wanted to remind you to celebrate your wins as much as you deal with your losses. 

You deserve that reward, homegirl!

You deserve that praise, homegirl!

You deserve that congratulations, homegirl!

You deserve that IT Girl Moment!

Please let me know below how you celebrate your wins in the comments below!

I will share on Instagram next week how I celebrate my win with friends and family this weekend!

Until we speak next time!

Peace + Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay