Stay The Course!

Stay The Course:

One of my favorite games at the Olympics is Track & Field. I can still remember sitting on my bed in my room with my grandfather, watching the runners from the U.S. to Jamaica to London race their hearts out on the tracks. 

But, even beyond that, I remember falling in love with the women’s stories. Hearing about how they got to the Olympics in the first place was always the most fascinating part for me. 

Hearing how women took breaks to give life, were disqualified for minor mistakes, were injured due to practicing, and so many other stories inspired me. 

Fun Fact: I ran track for one school year because I thought Allyson Felix was the! 

Now, while I didn’t find much success, I did find a passion in watching others run the sport on the field. 

But, in addition to finding inspiration from their stories, I found life encouragement in the lessons they offered during their interviews.

And, after watching the World Championships these past few weeks, I kept hearing the same message repeatedly, “Stay the Course.” 

Inspired by our U.S. national Champion, Sha ‘Carri Richardson, I found beauty in her story of triumph. After being denied access to the Olympic Trials in 2020 due to testing positive for cannabis, Richardson didn’t stop. 

A woman from humble beginnings found triumph in those who doubted her coming back to each race better than the time before. And, on June 22, 2024, Richardson defended her 2023 World Champions title, qualifying for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics. 

I am not here to be a preacher, but I am here to encourage all of us today. 

Often, we become downtrodden by life’s rejections, forgetting that there is better for us out there if we just believe. 

Whether you believe with the 2020 Olympics decision to sit Sha ‘Carri down for a season or not, we cannot deny that this woman did not “Stay the Course.” 

She never lost motivation or denied herself what she already knew to be accurate: she was a superstar. 

Sometimes, human beings find themselves caught up in “man” or “women’s” statements, not realizing that what we are supposed to have already been spoken in rooms we have yet to imagine. 

There is something powerful about “Staying the Course,” even when it seems complicated. There is something triumphant about “Staying the Course,” even when it looks dark and cold. 

There is something unique about “Staying the Course,” even when all hope seems lost. But what we find in doing so is that we may struggle, but we will overcome! 

I don’t know who this message is for, but I want to encourage you to stay motivated. Even when it seems like the walls are caving in, keep going. 

You’re not supposed to be on someone else’s course, where you’re right now has already been predestined and ordained. 

As human beings, we will worry about how things will get done or where we will go in life, but I am here to remind you that you have the authority to control the situation. 

Sha ‘Carri says It best, “I am not slowing down,” so why would you do the same, Sis?

Put your foot on the gas pedal, and don’t let up. 

See you all in our next post!

Peace & Prosperity, 

Jadis DeShong-Venay


Richardson, S. (2023). “I am not slowing down”. Giphy.

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