How to Honor The Process: Honor the Journey

How To Honor the Process:

         Since I was a little girl, I have always planned my future. 

But one thing I never planned for was having to honor a season of life that didn’t go according to plan. I never planned for the moments when the job gets complicated, adulting is adulting, and life is mundane. 

When I planned my future, I never saw the possibility of things not being fun. As I get older with age, I have realized that not every part of life will be filled with excitement, but there is still beauty in those moments. 

There is still something powerful about when you’re bored in your current season of life and want better but don’t know how to get there. 

The struggle is still decisive, even when it doesn’t feel the most comfortable. 

There is still something powerful about the unknown because it leaves room for you to create what you hope will be there. 

Honoring the process is not always the most comfortable thing, but it is sometimes necessary to prepare you for what is about to come your way in this next season of life. 

Often, we want to rush the process and move mountains that we cannot move on our own. If we step back, be patient, and persevere, the next season of life may be the manifestation of our prayers. 

It may be the dream we’ve been having for a while, scared that it wouldn’t come true. 

It may be the thing that reminds us of our uniqueness. But honoring the process doesn’t come with roses and daises; it comes with sacrifice. 

It comes with long hours of questioning who we are and what we provide to the world. It comes with hoping for the better and praying for the breakthrough. 

Honoring the process means acknowledging your emotions, feelings, and disdain, but don’t stop when the going gets rough. 

Because if you stop now, you don’t know what you may be preventing yourself from receiving in the future or the present moment. 

We often want to rush the process, forgetting to stop and smell the roses, which prevents us from getting the lesson we need. 

And it’s the lesson that unlocks the next door to our freedom, redemption, and even prosperity. 

Sometimes, honoring the process feels icky. It feels frustrating, but celebrating the process teaches you to get through the thick of things. 

And sometimes, if we don’t learn the lesson in the “darker” seasons, we will keep re-learning it until we understand it clearly, and it will prevent us from seeing the “light.”

So, the next time you feel alone, please know you’re not. I know there are seasons where you ask yourself, “Why me?” 

But I challenge you to change your vocabulary and ask yourself, “Why not me?” 

Frequently, we think when we are in a dark season that we’ve done something wrong or are not aligned. But how many people-built empires in quiet times? 

It’s like the saying, “I am moving in silence.” Sometimes, in silence, we hear our mission the clearest. 

So, the next time you feel like giving up or throwing in the towel, please honor the process. 

It’s okay if you’re frustrated or tired of this season. Don’t give up. Keep pushing! 

See the lessons and value the quiet time. When this season is over, you will need those teachings to prepare for what will come next. 

I always hear others say, “I am not qualified. I am not able.”

But in these seasons of uncertainty, boredom, and unknowingness, you become qualified, more than a conqueror, and capable of anything you put your mind to.

Therefore, don’t stop, keep going. This season, too, shall pass! 

Ladies, in the comments, how do you honor the process?

See you all in our next post!

Peace + Prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

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