Blog Post #56: Update!

Chapter 55: Update: What’s Coming to IHateAdulthood?

Mic Check One Two, Is This Thing Working?

Can you all hear me? 

I sure do hope so because I’ve missed you all tremendously. 

Your girl has been everywhere besides this website for the last month, and it was most definitely needed.

Now, I won’t lie; a lot has changed, and before we start discussing all that has been happening, I want to check on y’all. 

How are you guys doing?

What’s new? 

Did anything surprising happen in this last month?

If so, please let me know in the comments below. 

If not, Shawty, that’s okay too! 

Your girl has traveled, slept, eaten at new restaurants, and completed interviews for IHateAdulthood, which will be premiering soon. 

But one thing I wasn’t able to stop doing was thinking about you guys and all the ways I could revamp our group. 

And your girl has come to a few new conclusions! 

Therefore, today’s post will be a full update on what’s leaving and coming to IHateAdulthood. 

And in the end, I’ll share some photos of my time away and ask for your opinions on the changes on our platform. 

#1: Gwendolyn’s Corner of Advice is Officially Coming to the Platform! 

Y’all don’t know how often I’ve received DMs about when Gwendolyn’s Corner will start and how individuals can ask questions. 

As I always try to do, I have worked through the constraints, and it will officially be coming to our website by the end of October.

If you follow us on Instagram, you know I will not be the only individual giving advice. But, I have a few individuals who will be joining in on the conversation, and questions will always remain anonymous. 

And let me be the first to say there is no wrong question. IHateAdulthood will remain a judgment-free zone in the pursuit of helping Black women conquer adulthood. 

Therefore, bring your job, relationship, lifestyle, and questions you are scared to ask your homegirl. 

Our team is here to help and will do our best to support you!

DISCLAIMER: *We are not professionals on every topic. Please continue to seek support from outside sources as needed.”

#2: Can we discuss a few books on the website?

For my fellow nerds, this section is for you! Otherwise, ladies, if you don’t like books, don’t worry. #3 is perfect for you! 

Now that I am no longer a scholar in school but a scholar of the streets, I thought it would be fun to have mini discussions on the platform about various books geared towards helping us in adulthood. 

I visited my favorite spot in DC, Busboys and Poets, and received so much inspiration that I knew I had to share it with you all. 

Therefore, once or twice a month, I will do a mini-column review (a paragraph or a 1-2-minute video) on a book I am reading.

I won’t give away all the book secrets, but I’ll give enough to keep you returning for more. 

And, don’t worry, there will be Black women authors, individuals who discuss the real tea on adulthood, and books that address some fun topics we don’t always have time to conquer on our daily journey of adulthood. 

But don’t worry; I won’t be hurt if you don’t like the books I suggest! And you can give me recommendations to check out, and I will give credit to my sources! 

#3: Your girl will interview way more, so if you are looking for the visuals, here they come!

Interviews are so fun to me! Therefore, I don’t want to limit the growth of our page by only providing my perspective!

I want you to hear from others as well. As a result, your girl will get over her anxiety and reach out to more individuals outside my network to bring you the content you all deserve!

Because I want us to thrive, and I am not always right! 

And I’ll be the first to say I go to outside sources for support, so please don’t think you’re alone! 

There will be some months when interviews will be a little dry! But don’t worry, they will come back!

I know I still owe you a relationship conversation between men and women, and I am working on it actively! 

Your girl needs friends, but for you all, I’ll do what I got to do because y’all are my girls!

So, expect MORE, but please remember to offer GRACE! I am still trying to figure this thing called the Internet out! 

Yes, I was born in the modern age! But, it’s still hard!

#4: Weekly Posts are Hard @ 1 PM

I thoroughly enjoy writing to you all every week. But, ladies, there will be some weeks I have to take a break or postpone a post a few days. I may even have to post later than 1 PM.

I have realized that I am human and cannot be perfect. Therefore, I want to set a precedence now that I may not always be able to give everything I usually do, but I promise to return and share what I can. 

Adulthood is challenging! And I would only be an honest member of IHateAdulthood if I kept it real with you all that sometimes writing, interviewing, or discussing a topic is not always easy while pushing through a storm. 

As a result, I ask that you all be patient with me moving forward. And I will do the same with you and perform to the best of my abilities. 


Today, I am putting you all on notice that gear is coming shortly. I am working out some kinks with my manager to get some cute IHateAdulthood merch to you all ASAP. 

I don’t have a definitive date, but when I do, please know you will be the first to know! 

I am in the lab working on bringing y’all some fire, so keep me in your thoughts!

And my wallet in your prayers because this gear thang isn’t cheap! 

But, for now, I don’t have many more updates. I will continue to announce any changes as time goes on. 

Slowly but surely, you will see changes to our website! I am working on them overnight. So, don’t be surprised if you come one random Thursday and it’s an entirely different site. 

Because IHateAdulthood will evolve as I do!

Thank you for rocking with me thus far! We can only elevate from here!

Next week begins our journey, and I have an interview for you, so I hope you’re ready!

Remember to check out some of the photos of what I did down below, and leave your feedback, comments, or thoughts. 

Peace and prosperity, as always!

Jadis DeShong-Venay

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