Blog Post #31

Chapter 30: New Year, Same You, Different Perspective: 5 Ways to Change Your Perspective to Create Prosperity in the New Year

“It’s out with the old and in with the new. Goodbye clouds of Gray, hello skies of blue” (Sharpay Evans, Ryan, & Walt Disney, 2007).

If it was up to social media, the New Year would go along the lines of the sentiments above. But, unfortunately, reality doesn’t always look like sunny skies of Blue.

And, for some, the New Year can be daunting or anxiety-provoking. 

Now, this will not be one of those negative posts and sets out to talk about the bad things that can come with the new year. It will instead be an authentic look at what the New Year brings, what it can teach us about ourselves, and what we want out of the year 2023. 

Ladies, I was nowhere near ready for the New Year. And, for the first time, I did not rush. It’s January 4th, 2023, and I still haven’t done my vision board. Not because I am not interested in doing one but because I am still processing all that occurred in 2022. 

2022 was a great year, but it was also quite exhausting. It DRAINED ME!

Being in grad school, balancing a job, and IHateAdulthood almost took your girl out! But I went ahead and dusted my shoulders off because although I Hate Adulthood, I won’t let it get the best of me. 

Like I do every year, I started in 2023 in prayer. I asked the Father above to order my steps, provide guidance, and not let me stray too far from the goals he has for my life. 

But, most importantly, I took time to reflect! And I have concluded that if I want to elevate in 2023, I have to change my perspective, or I won’t get far. 

I can’t approach life, school, IHateAdulthood, or any area of my life with the same mindset as last year, or I won’t get further than I was the year before. 

2022 was a great year! I started my second year of grad school, got a new job, started my clinical hours, created IHateAdulthood, and healed a lot of the broken parts of me! 

But, to make 2023 prosperous, I realized I have to approach every aspect of my life from a different mindset.

And, between you and me, Homegirl, you have to do the same! 

Life will throw you many curve balls, but with a good mindset, life’s path does not have to be derailed. Whether 2022 went according to your plan or not, 2023 can be different. 

However, it can only be distinct if you allow it to be. For instance, if you want to change how you interact with others, it’s all in the perspective you approach situations with that matters. 

Or, if you want to create a business, it’s all in the perspective you have that allows you to get through the rough patches when no one supports the company, and you have to keep pushing through.

Ladies, if you want to heal generational trauma, you can’t approach it the same way you did last year. You have to change your perspective, or you will find yourself in the same place you did last year.  

2023 can be a prosperous year, but it can only be what you make it! 

So, please throw out the motto New Year, New Me! And, try the motto New Year, Same Me: Different Perspective. 

Now, changing your perspective is not as simple as snapping your fingers. A new outlook will take time to develop. 

But don’t worry, 2023 still has 11 months. And if it takes you eight months to figure it out, please don’t be upset. Please don’t compare yourself to others. Be proud of yourself for even changing your perspective.

Your journey may not coincide with the other girlies on Instagram, but it doesn’t have to because the only person you compete with is yourself.

Therefore, don’t be worried if you’re not matching the Trends that come out in 2023; be worried about the journey you have set out to be on for the next 11 months. 

2023 is a race, and you’re already in the first place! So, why not take your time and enjoy the ride? 

If you need help figuring out where to start, I’ve got a few tips because, Homegirl, I would never leave you hanging!

#1: Change your perspective by trying new things

2023 cannot follow the same pattern as 2022!

Everything you were afraid of doing before will be the things you conquer in this new year of life!

Now, that may sound scary, but that’s the whole point. 

To change your mindset, you can’t approach life from the same lens you always have. You have to step out on FAITH!

And, Homegirl, I don’t have to tell you the things you already know you should be doing. This post is confirmation if you were looking for it! 

You know exactly where you want to be, so it’s time to show up and show out in ways you were once petrified to do! 

#2: Change your perspective by being flexible to change

Unfortunately, as we get deeper and deeper into the New Year, you will have to let things go! 

It might mean long-term relationships, jobs, friends, restaurants, and even some of your fav YouTubers.

But, baby, it comes with the game! 

And, since we are on the road to conquering Adulthood, you will have to make difficult decisions because that’s what adults do! 

Now, change doesn’t always have to be a negative thing! It can also be quite incredible. 

You may change your eating habits, the types of people you date, or even your living situation.

But it’s not about what changes. It’s about how you handle it!

Last year you can’t approach things for you this year!

You all know what I am talking about; I don’t have to explain. You can’t allow one wrong moment to determine your entire day. You have to let go and let God. 

#3: Change your perspective by taking time to reflect on what went well in 2022 and what didn’t go according to the plan

The only way to create a vision board or goals for 2023 is to reflect on what did or didn’t create prosperity in 2022. 

You can’t enter into a new year without revelation. And, if it has yet to come, don’t worry. The thoughts will soon come on their own timing. Don’t rush your reflection; let it gradually happen!

And, when it does, sit in it! Feel it! Pray on it! And allow it to help guide you to what your next steps should be. 

#4: Change your perspective by creating a visible space where you can see your goals

You will only work towards something if you can visually see it!

Therefore, provide daily reminders to remind yourself what you’re working towards when it becomes strenuous.

For example, if you want to change how you communicate, you need a visual representation of good communication on your vision board. 

Look over it once a day, pick up books on the art of communication, practice it, and keep working at it until it becomes a natural feeling. 

Every time you want to go off on someone, remember the image on your vision board! Remember the countless times you practiced in your head for moments like this and apply what you have learned, even if it is difficult. 

Others may not recognize the changes you’re making. But you don’t need their validation!

2023 is you against you! And the only person’s opinion that will matter is yours (and the man above). 

If you like it, I love it!

#5: Change your perspective by finding ways to hold yourself accountable

Listen, if you want 2023 to be prosperous, it will be, but only if you check yourself when you do wrong.

We can no longer live life thinking we are perfect! We must hold ourselves accountable when things don’t go according to plan.

We have to understand that there is a difference between intention and impact. 

Mistakes will happen in 2023. But, with a different perspective, they won’t hold us back like in 2022. They will push us further! 

They will push us to do what is correct. Therefore, we will have to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. 

If you always think you’re right, this new perspective will show you that you aren’t. 

We have a lot to learn, but we can only understand it if we are open to what’s in front of us. 

If you want 2023 to be prosperous, you must stop allowing your mindset to block you! 

As I told you above, your concept of prosperity for 2023 may not match society’s standards. 

But you can’t worry about that. You can only worry about yourself!

Homegirl, we are conquering Adulthood! You can’t always follow the same path as everyone else. 

There are some lessons we must learn that others don’t have to.

And, there are some journeys we must go on, so we can tell others how we succeeded. 

Your story is only beginning! But don’t allow the same perspective to keep you in the same place!

Change your perspective and allow God to do what he does best!

I will see you in our next post!

Peace and Prosperity,

Jadis DeShong-Venay


Sharpay Evans, Ryan, & Walt Disney. (2007). Fabulous [Song]. On High School Musical 2 [Album]. Walt Disney. 

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