Blog Post # 23

Chapter 22: Trusting Yourself 101: How To Honor Your Intuition

Ladies, someone once said, “A Woman’s Intuition is her best superpower” (Unknown, 2022).

It is the thing that protects you from wrong, danger, and even your heart. 

It is the one superpower that no one can take away from you.

And it is the one superpower if utilized correctly, can protect you in moments of uncertainty. 

Ladies, how often have you heard from other women, “I got a feeling or even an inkling that something is wrong.”

How many times have you heard to trust your gut?

Or, your women’s intuition will help you make the best decision. 

Well, I  am here to tell you that trusting yourself begins with always honoring your intuition and listening to your inner voice. 

Sometimes we can hear it, and sometimes life is hectic. We can’t hear our inner voice. 

But, in our post today, I hope to help you find ways to hear your inner voice and allow it to help you be the best version of yourself. 

According to Psychology Today, Intuition is “feeling in your gut when you instinctively know that something you’re doing is right or wrong. It can also be when you sense kindness or fear in another face. You may not know why you feel that way; it could just be a hunch” (Psychology Today, 2022). 

Or, even simply, it could be that feeling you have when you know someone has cheated on you. 

Or the uneasy vibes you feel around a co-worker.

It can also be the feelings you have when someone is following you, moments of déjà vu. 

I don’t know about y’all, but I have had moments where I will have made plans with someone a week in advance, and Saturday roll around, and something tells me I shouldn’t go out. 

And then, a week later, I found out where I was going, and a fight broke out. 

But, I must be honest; trusting your inner voice can be challenging. 

Others may tell you that you are paranoid or just talking rubbish, but you know how you feel is valid deep down!

And I am here to offer reassurance and validity that you’re not talking nonsense. Honoring your inner voice is essential!

It helps you build trust in yourself and allows you to learn more about yourself. 

We often search, read self-help books, and look for remedies we can usually find in ourselves. 

Now, I won’t lie; sometimes, we need help from others to make decisions in life, but that doesn’t mean neglecting our own thought processes. 

It should always be included when making important decisions. 

For example, trust your gut feeling the next time you decide about a job. 

The next time you’re trying to decide to date an individual, trust the gut feeling you have when you’re around them. 

If there is a friend who gives you bad vibes, trust the feelings you have inside!

Allow your intuition to be your superpower!

Now, you may be asking how I honor my intuition.

And, there are a few things you can do, ladies, and as always, they don’t have to be done in a specific matter. 

1.          Pray/ Seek Instruction from Your Higher Being

Frequently, we are searching for answers left and right, when the answer we need is often within. 

If only we would receive the answer and accept it for what it is, life may be more manageable. 

Our intuitions may not always give us the answers we want, but that’s okay!

Ask God for instruction or guidance on how to honor the intuition you have been given! 

And ask God to show you how to apply it in essential situations. 

2.         Spend Time Alone

As much as I like to be around my friends, I also need time to reflect and get to know them.

We often say we know our best friends like the back of our hands. 

But, I want to ask you do you know yourself like the back of your hand?

Do you know what you love? What do you not like? What do you need? 

Do you know your values? Do you know what you will not accept? Do you know who you’re?

If you can’t answer those questions, don’t beat yourself up!

Take this time and honor yourself by learning and hearing your inner voice.

Learn your emotions, feelings, desires, and wishes!

Learn the patterns about you that no one else may notice.

Putting it in more straightforward language, the same way when you start dating someone, you learn and ask 1,000 questions ask those same questions to yourself. 

3.         Learning how your intuition speaks to you is vital!

In these moments of solitude, as the great Billie Holiday said, you will find how your institution speaks and guides you. 

But, more importantly, you will learn how it will help you survive and make essential decisions for the future. 

So, don’t worry if you’re still trying to figure out how your intuition speaks. Not all women’s intuition says the same!

You may experience dreams with your intuition!

While I may receive it only at the moment a situation is occurring.

Either way is perfect! And it is the best way for you!

4. Ask yourself what you would do before asking others.

I think this step is the most essential to you honoring your intuition. 

We often go to others for guidance and even validation of our feelings.

But, I am here to say that often the validation we seek we have already provided ourselves in the many times we go back and forth trying to decide on something.

Honestly, trusting yourself and honoring your intuition is not second-guessing yourself!

Your opinion matters as much as the next person’s!

Therefore, don’t put another person’s opinion of yourself over your own!

They don’t look back at you in the mirror; only you do!

And if they aren’t looking back at you, their judgment or opinions don’t always need to matter!

Now, I am not saying don’t seek wise counsel! But, instead, when to discern for yourself, when wise counsel is needed and when you can decide for yourself!

Honor you at all times!

Trust you at all times!

Ladies, you know when something isn’t right!

You know when an environment is uncomfortable!

You know when you should proceed and when you should proceed with caution. 

Honor those feelings!

Respect those feelings!

You already know what is best for you. Follow it and see how far you can become!

I leave you with this quote, “When your intuition is Roaring Loud, follow it” (Unknown, 2022)!

Until Next Time!

Peace and Prosperity, as Always,

Jadis DeShong-Venay


Psychology Today. (2022, November 2). Intuition. Psychology Today.

Unknown. (2022, November 2). Her Intuition is Her Favorite Super Power. Breeze Counseling.

Unknown. (2022, November 2). When Your Intuition is Roaring Loud, Follow It. Rate the Quote.

Billie Holiday. (1934). (In My) Solitude [Song]. In My Solitude: The Billie Holiday Song Book[Album]. Columbia

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