Blog Post #13

Chapter 12: Girl, You Look Good: 5 Ways to Build Your Fashion Wardrobe

Fashion 101!

One of my favorite compliments of all time is, “Girl, You Look Good!”

Whether it is coming from my friend, significant other, co-workers, or even a stranger on the street, hearing those words makes my day ten times brighter. 

It makes me feel like I did the dang thang when I was spending hours searching through my closet for something to wear, trying on things that I know don’t fit, and praying I can get dressed for my outing all in 25 minutes because I spent too much time catching up on the latest episode of the CHI or Basketball Wives!

Y’all know what I mean. Trying on pants that, as Beyoncé says, “If you don’t have to jump to put on jeans, you don’t feel my pain” (Megan Pete & Beyonce, 2020).

Ladies, we have all been there destroying our bedroom, closets, and drawer sets trying to put together a cute outfit, so not only do we look presentable, but we don’t look like we just woke up thirty minutes ago. 

And, while sometimes that process can be fun! You get in the right mood, play some good music, and run around your room to put your next fashionable outfit together. 

It’s the clean-up afterward that gets me! I’ll come home to a disaster and am too tired to want to clean it until the next day!

So, how do we fix this problem, ladies? How do we fix this common issue that I know we all endure, if not daily, at least on a weekly basis? 

And, it’s simple the cure we are searching for to help us deal with those constant messes caused by her fashion searching is building a wardrobe around staple items that we know will work with everything!

Listen, I know some of you don’t like repeating outfits, and some don’t mind posting the same look on Instagram twice. Whichever category you fall in, these GEMS can help you build a fashionable wardrobe that fits your style, personality, and shape size. 

I call it the independently grown woman fashion pack! These five simple steps will help you create the image you have in your head for your body and is compatible with any body type, height, and fashion style out there. 

#1: Go Through Your Closet:

Girl, some hidden gems are hiding behind those clothes racks in your closet!

And, if it’s not GEMS, don’t waste your time keeping them.

The salvation army and other organizations can take those items off your hand so that someone else can benefit from your fashion choices!

But, if you have some exceptional items that you can wear, move those to the front of your closet! 

Start looking at those items and create outfits from what you have before buying! 

Try those clothes on and see what you like about those items! Do you want all of your jeans to fit like that? Do you prefer bootcut, skinny, boyfriend, or distressed? 

Do you want your clothes to be fitted or a little oversized? Do you like slip dresses, 1-shoulder, halter, strapless, A-line? Or are you trying to serve body-ody-ody in a bodycon dress? 

Whatever you’re looking for and prefer, once you have decided what is in your closet and what’s not, we commence our shopping spree! 

#2: Buy The Basics:

Listen, ladies, don’t go breaking your bank, but buying the basics can help you build your wardrobe. 

What do the basics include? Depending on whom you ask, the category is Fashion, so you should serve the hottest looks you can find and afford. 

Therefore, start with buying some of these essential items. 

  1.  A Good Pair of Denim: Ladies, you can never go wrong with a good pair of jeans. You can wear them out with friends, for errands, and even on a hot date! 
  2. A Good Pair of Leggings: Listen, leggings can be dressed up or down. And if you’re looking to serve a snatched waist, this is one item you will need in your closet! 
  3.   A Cute Dress: One that is Black and one that is Colored: You can choose the style that fits best for your shape, but a good dress can go a long way! It can be used for a concert, a grocery day, or an interview.
  4.    A Leather Jacket or a Blazer: Everyone needs a good leather jacket or blazer in their closet! You don’t need to spend tons of money, but it is a staple item! It can help elevate your outfit and make it look like you put more effort in than you may have. 
  5.  T-Shirt: This handy dandy item can be dressed up or down. You can get it in any color, buy it from whatever store you like, and it always seems to get the job done! 
  6. A Good Pair of Pants: Leather, Trouser, or even Cargo Pants: These items can help you secure the next bag in the business rooms, secure your next Starbucks drink, and even get you a second date!
  7.  Skirt: It can be long, short, or even in between! A skirt is not only cute but can be very comfortable! It can also transform an outfit from a day to a night look, depending on where you’re going! 

#3: Now that you’ve got the basics down pack, it’s time to style because accessories, Accessories, and accessories make the world go around and around. 

They can help accentuate a specific part of your body, they can elevate an outfit, and they are just too cute not to wear!

I keep a few staples in my accessories box that I know will help bring out your inner fashionista!

  1.  A Pretty Bag– I switch out my bags often, especially when the seasons change.
  2.  A cute necklace, body jewelry, anklets, and even waist beads. 
  3.   A Hat – You will begin to notice I am a huge hat girl. I love throwing a hat on, even if my hair looks good. A hat helps bring my fashion vision to fruition!
  4. A Fly Pair of Shoes -Open-toed, close-toed, boot, flat, and sneakers.
  5. Glasses– Sunshades, prescription glasses, or faux glasses (you know, the ones you don’t need to read or see, but they look bomb with your outfits)
  6. Rings -If you all are anything like me, I love a good ring! I don’t leave the house without one, even if I run to Walgreens. It’s my favorite accessory of all time!

I know Coco Chanel said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory.” But, girl, this is how you want to dress. Therefore, choose what and how much you want to add, and don’t worry about what others say. 

You’re an ICON 

And, the Category is Fashion! Therefore, Slay!

#4 Find You a Good Tailor

Listen, I know it’s hard to find clothes that consistently fit our body types. Sometimes the jumpsuit will fit our top, but the bottom makes you question if you’ve picked up the correct size. 

And that’s okay because that’s what we have tailors and seamstresses for to alter our clothing that sometimes stores can’t make fit correctly!

And, if you can’t find one, ask your homegirl for a suggestion. There is always one out there who will get you snatched and put together in no time! 

They are like miracle workers creating masterpieces when you step into their dressing rooms. 

Use them, pay them well, and tip! 

They do some great work and make all of our fashion dreams come true. 

#5: Search for Some Good Inspiration

Ladies, while you are elevating your wardrobe, it is also always helpful to look for some inspiration!

You can be like me and create a Pinterest board full of outfits you want to try to re-create!

You can even look on Instagram and Twitter for inspiration! There are tons of fellow Black Queens creating fly outfits that may provide you with some vision for your future outfits!

You can even look on television! When I was younger, I wanted to be like Olivia Pope! I even had the coat, and you couldn’t tell me she wasn’t my fashion inspiration!

But, as I have become older, I always remember Kenzo’s words, “Fashion is like eating. You shouldn’t stick to the same menu” (Takada, 2020). Therefore, you should evolve! 

Always remember you are your Fashion Icon! Your individuality is what makes you stand out from others. 

And even if others don’t like it, there is a fellow fashionista out there who will enjoy your wardrobe choices! 

Just choose wisely, don’t break the bank, work with your body type, and accessorize, baby! 

But always remember, “The most important thing you have is your image. As a creator, you have to find your voice, communicate it and then have ownership of that” (Ozwald Boateng, 2019)

Therefore, your wardrobe communicates many things, choose the message you want your Fashion to convey, and wear it loud and proud for the world to see!

See you all next week, 

Peace and Prosperity,

Jadis DeShong-Venay


Megan Pete & Beyonce. (2020). Savage Remix [Megan thee Stallion + Beyonce]. On Good News [Song]. New York,New York: 1501 Certified.

Takada, K. (2020). Fashion is like eating. You shouldn’t stick to the same menu. Pinterest.

Boateng, O. (2019, March 7). The Best Quotes from Black Fashion Designers. Kolor Magazine.

2 responses to “Blog Post #13”

  1. I am not sure where you are getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for great information I was looking for this info for my mission.|

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Some of it comes from the references above and then life lessons! But, I am happy you’re enjoying it! Have a wonderful day!


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