Blog Post #10

Chapter 9: Good Morning Gorgeous: Girl, Your Morning Routine Matters for Your Success!

Elevation Series Part 2

Ladies, after listening to Mary J. Blige discuss her last album on The Breakfast Club, I wondered how many other women in the morning use affirmations to get their day started (The Breakfast Club, 2022).

Blige, who uses the words Good Morning Gorgeous, explained that through saying those words every day, she was able to overcome and conquer the hardships she faced post-divorce. 

But more importantly, she rebuilt her confidence after experiencing such a tough battle. 

While I know not all of us out, there are experiencing the side effects of divorce. We may be experiencing breakups, significant life changes, hardships, or just seeking to elevate our everyday lives. 

This post will address some ways as Independent Grown Women; we can create happiness, peace, and joy by implementing a few changes to our daily morning routine. 

Whether you have a set routine or are looking to create a new one in your life, I hope this post will help you revamp or elevate the way you go about conquering every single day of your life! 

Step #1: Give Your Routine A Name

Popular Black Women Youtubers like AlliyahsFce, Aaliyah Jay, and Jackie Aina have all discussed the importance of creating a routine that allows you to start the day off on a positive note. 

Even further, YouTubers have created many trends surrounding the topics of morning routines like the “That Girl” morning routine, self-care morning routine, or even the “Black Girl Luxury” morning routine. 

As a result, we should name ours too! 

*Inserts Independent Grown Woman Morning Routine*

What do you want your Independent Grown Woman Morning Routine to look like daily? 

What does it consist of? 

How do you step into the world every day of life? 

Step #2: Choose the Purpose of your Morning Routine 

After we have named our morning routine, it’s time to start deciding what the purpose we are trying to achieve with this routine is. 

While it is named the same routine, you all get to choose what you’re most looking to get from it daily. 

Are you looking for more peace?

Are you looking to transform?

Are you looking to be more productive? 

Or, are you looking like me to elevate? 

Whatever the reason is, every time you decide to practice the routine, remember the purpose you’re trying to achieve! And, make sure each step reflects that mission! 

Step #3: Choose what you want to be included in your routine. 

It can include reading the Bible, affirmations, praying, working out, cooking breakfast, running to Starbucks for coffee, taking a bath, journaling, or even cleaning your space.

No matter what you decide to complete in the morning, it should reflect the intentions you wish to set for the day!

So, let’s break down some of those activities and what they can look like in your personal life. 

A. Using Affirmations 

We, as Black Women, can use many affirmations in the morning to help motivate, inspire, and empower us daily.  

And, I am here to break the myth that you have to say them in the mirror. 

Girl, you can say them while lying in bed before placing your feet in your slippers or standing under the shower head in the bathroom because you don’t have to say them in the mirror for their power and encouragement to leave a significant impact on your life. 

But more importantly, why not say them anywhere you can because they have so many benefits to using them. For example, the more we repeat them, the more we begin to believe them, and the more we will implement positive changes in our lives. 

Affirmations help boost our self-confidence, help us deal with stress, help us change our negative thinking, and help us elevate to the next level! 

Now that we understand the benefits of using them, I know you’re probably wondering where you can find them, so you know which one fits your desires and which ones don’t. 

Ladies, one of the best places you can find some is PINTEREST! 


Black Girl Affirmations are readily available and can help you challenge and overcome negative cognitive distortions or thoughts that cause you self-sabotage. 

For example, you can say, “No one is me, and that is my power.”-Unknown. 

“I control my own destiny.”- Unknown. 

“I know my worth. Therefore, I add tax.” – Unknown.

“I will stop shrinking myself to fit in places I’ve outgrown.”- Unknown.

“Good Morning Gorgeous!”- Mary J. Blige

“I am whom God says I am!” – Maurette Brown Clark

Using these in your morning routine can help you transform your mindset and the decisions you will make in life. 

But more importantly, what you will or will not put up with over time. 

B. Writing 

Another way to elevate or change your morning routines is through journaling. 

Journaling has many benefits! I could create an entire post alone on that topic. 

But, because I don’t have that type of time, I’ll provide some of the positives. 

They help you reduce symptoms of stress & anxiety.

Gain self-confidence

Monitor your progress and goals 

Check-in with your true feelings. 

And, finally, achieve goals you have had on your mind for a while! 

Therefore, implementing time in your morning to journal, whether that’s only 5 minutes or an hour, journaling can be beneficial! 

More importantly, you can journal by writing, talking into your notes on your phone, or even typing your daily thoughts. 

There are also so many ways you can journal besides how you complete it. 

For instance, you could do a gratitude journal, do a free-write where you talk about anything that comes to your consciousness, or follow a journal prompt. 

And, ladies, I understand it can be pretty overwhelming to decide where to start on your journaling process. 

Therefore, I will try to offer a few suggestions that can help make the process easier.

Take it slow. If you can only implement one minute on the first day, do that! And, try for a longer time the next day until you get a comfortable amount of time to journal your thoughts. 

More importantly, take all of the time you need to process the thoughts you will either write or record. 

Use them to start creating healing, conquering your goals, and becoming the woman you seek to become! 

To help even further, so it does not become overwhelming, I’ll provide some prompts for you to start with in these next couple of days!

And I am willing to do a prompt with you as well! And, come back next week to update you on how it made me feel and my thoughts on how I will apply what I’ve learned to help me better myself. 

1. What is one thing you do well? What is one thing you hope to improve? 

2. What does a dream day look like for you?

3. If you could live your life as the Independent Grown Woman you seek to be, what would it include? 

4. What do the next six months of your life include?

5. What is your favorite quality about yourself?

Let me know in the comments if you would like more prompts! And, what prompt will you be answering during your routine this week! 

C. Thirdly, using prayer!

I would not be providing authenticity on this blog if I did not come out and say prayer is one of the best things I do in my morning routine that helps reset my life and get me closer to where I want to be!

Whether it is 5 minutes of discussing with God or an hour, I try to take time to have a conversation with my Jehovah Jireh!

While we may not believe in the same higher power, I urge you to seek the face you follow every morning!

Allow it to set precedence in your life, and allow yourself to feel comfortable with the idea of speaking to the one you believe in daily. 

It helps root you, set your intentions for the day, and block out any negativity that might be trying to stop your positivity every step you take!

I will say I don’t just use prayer in the morning! 

But, when I am at work and have a complicated case or my significant other gets on my nerves, or I want to thank God for his blessings, even when I have no one else to talk to because others have their own lives!

Prayer allows me to escape my world and reunite with someone who understands how I feel!

As I said, whoever you believe in and whether you call it prayer or not, use it as a time to ground yourself and start your day on a positive note! 

Why Jadis, you may ask?

Because just like with the other things stated above, there are many benefits! 

Helping you to find direction

Align you with God

Provides you with answers

And helps you develop a relationship with the one you believe in

D. Finally, we can discuss the positives of implementing Working Out in your daily routine!

Now, I will be honest I do not work out! 

I have tried and tried and tried some more, but it is not for me!

But, for some, it may be because working out does many positive things for your wellbeing! 

For instance, it improves your mental health and mood!

It helps you release stress and increase your endorphins which can help make your day smoother. 

It helps you clear your thoughts.

And, it helps keep you fit and contributes to your physical health!

If you’re looking to gain or lose, working out is beneficial! 

But, ladies, it also helps you feel good!

And, I don’t know about you all, feeling good is something I love!

I don’t like feeling down, so I will do anything I have to do to keep me feeling fantastic!

So, why knock it until you try it!

If it works for you, girl, I salute you!

Please send us your workout pictures @IHateAdulthood, so we can cheer you on and support you along your journey!

Ladies, as you can see above, improving the start of your day is vital to your success today and in the future!

Taking time for you in the morning to take care of your well-being is the essential thing you can do daily!

Because if you’re not pouring into yourself, you cannot flow into others. 

Maybe the four examples above do not fit your lifestyle, and that’s okay. 

You can do many things in your morning to help improve your day and create success in your life!

Take a walk, read a book, call a friend, spend some time with your significant other, take a shower, light a candle, meditate, perform yoga, watch a tv show, listen to a podcast, and make your morning cup of coffee/tea, or do whatever you please!

As long as your Independent Grown Woman Morning Routine is helping bring the best out of you and reflects what you authentically desire, you’re taking steps to improve your life in the best way yet! 

Remember, it takes time to build morning routines!

As my boyfriend repeats to me almost daily, “Rome was not built in a day.”

And unfortunately, the cultivation of your morning routine will not either.

Take your time!

If you wake up later than you sought, don’t worry!

Ladies, dust off your shoulders and pick up where you should be! 

Don’t let minor setbacks stop you from setting your intentions for the day! 

Set the alarm for 5 or 10 or 11 am the next day, and try again! 

The importance is not following the same routine every day that you become complacent, but the purpose is to find a sustainable schedule that helps you transform, enjoy your mornings, and as always, allows you to elevate your success journey. 

Good Morning Gorgeous!

It’s time to Rise and Shine!

And, I hope you will rise better after reading or listening to this post tomorrow than you did before! 

Before I leave, you’re probably wondering what my Independent Grown Woman morning routine looks like, and I will tell you now that I am still a work in progress!

But I do have some moments of consistency!

I rise and thank God for allowing me to see another day! 

 I pray over my day, asking God to ordain my steps and that work will go as smoothly as possible. 

If I have time, I read a few pages of a book or scroll on social media. I usually like to be silent until I leave my room unless I am in a good mood. 

*I can sometimes be cranky, lol! 

In my moments of silence, I sit with myself and reflect on life. Sometimes, I will journal my thoughts in my notes app on my iPhone for 5 to 10 mins. 

After, I usually get right into school work by making a to-do list (Grad School ain’t no joke) once I have brushed my teeth and washed my face!

After about an hour to two of school work, I usually complete IHateAdulthood stuff, whether Instagram content, writing, or even coming up with content ideas!

Any meetings I have, I usually take care of them right afterward! 

Then, I eat breakfast or lunch and get ready for work! I always try to make a cup of tea! 

Tea and Water are the best things created by humankind! It’s okay if you disagree!

Then I usually talk to my boyfriend, mother, or grandmother for at least thirty minutes for a good vent session or to hear how life is going for them. Talking to them has become a new part of my morning routine and has allowed me to connect with a fellow human being that understands me and doesn’t seek to judge my thoughts, feelings, or emotions!

And then I am out of the house to collect my direct deposit every two weeks on the dot!

But, through this routine, I can work towards completing my purpose in life. 

I am one step closer to conquering the dreams I have for the future!

And most importantly, I keep myself in the right mindset!

I know it may seem perfect to you! But, I am not, and sometimes it doesn’t always follow the plan I stated above!

Sometimes I wake up feeling down and don’t want to do anything, and that’s okay!

It’s okay not always to perform or be the way we seek to be in life!

But, as long as we dust ourselves off and get back to living a life of abundance, taking a day off is okay to reset! 

Use your morning routine as motivation to become the best version of yourself! 

And, remember that how you start your day contributes to how the day will end, the future will look, and your well-being will be!

Let me know what your Independent Grown Woman Morning Routine Looks Like in the comments!

Make a reel or a post and tag us @IHateAdulthood on Instagram so we can show off your routine!

Or use #IGWmorningroutine so that we can see how you set your intentions for the day! 

I will post my clips there so you can see them live-action!

Finally, please take the time to love on yourself tomorrow when you wake up by starting your morning routine off with the affirmation, “I am an Independent Grown Women who deserves the best, appreciates the blessings I have received, thankful for the success I will achieve, and happy that I will stop hating adulthood one day!”

“No matter what may happen, I will not let it stop me from reaching my goals because Independent Grown Women never give up! And, I am an Independent Grown Woman on the journey to creating my own success!”

Peace + Prosperity as always,



The Breakfast Club. (2022, Feb 17). Mary J Blige On Loving Herself, Dr Dre Collab, Memoir Release Date, Super Bowl Memes + More [Video]. YouTube.

AlliyahsFace. (2021, October 21). SELF CARE ROUTINE | RESET & RECHARGE + HYGIENE & MORE ALLYIAHSFACE [Video]. Youtube.

Aaliyah Jay. (2021, November 17). Wake up with me ♡ | Morning Routine | AALIYAHJAY [Video]. Youtube.

Jackie Aina. (2021, July 6). I Ain’t Gettin Up at 5am, But Here’s a Morning Routine lol | Jackie Aina [Video]. Youtube.

The Free Dictionary. (2022, June 21). Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day. The Free Dictionary.

AZ Lyrics. (2022, June 21). Good Morning Gorgeous. Az Lyrics.

AZ Lyrics. (2022, June 21). I Am What God Says I Am. AZ Lyrics.

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