Blog Post #9

Chapter 8: Elevate, Elevate; The Only Obligation We Got is to Tell it Straight!

Elevation Series Part 1!

As I turn twenty-four today, I am in a very reflective place. 
More importantly, I am curious about what the next year of life will bring me and determined to make it the best year yet. 
But, I am unsure of how to do that. 
Each year I receive a word from my mother that becomes my motto for the next new year of my life. 
And this year, instead of receiving one, I kept hearing one myself. 
The master (my mother) who has always provided the student (me) a word to carry through the next year of life has become the student. 
And I, now the master, have taken it upon myself to find a word to describe what I want the year of twenty-four to be. 
I seek to become something I’ve never been before. 
And to elevate, I must be honest and tell it straight. 
Because otherwise, as Diddy said about Caresha, I will not be living authentically. 
As we get older in life, we are always seeking something better than we had before. 
Whether that’s a better job, a better significant other, a better car, or even a better hairstyle. 
But, what if we sought a better emotional and mental state. 
What if our elevation was surrounded by our well-being and not the physical rewards we receive from earthly possessions. 
What if we took a year to focus on what makes us better mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? 
Instead of worrying about elevating physically
Would taking care of our well-being provide us with future physical elevation? 
Would taking care of our minds and spirituality change our trajectory for the better? 
Elevate, Elevate The only obligation we got is to tell it straight! 
And, ladies, my truth is that twenty-four is the year I want to elevate in a different way than I have ever before. 
I am not looking for gratification from earthly possessions. 
Gaining a promotion will not determine my worth. 
A degree program will not dictate my happiness. 
Healing, peace, and serenity are what I hope to embody in this new year of life. 
So that prosperity can follow me along the journey.
Because if I am not spiritually connected to the root, it’s pretty hard to elevate! 
If out of the twenty-three years I’ve lived, I have learned anything, I have learned that starting over is a good thing. 
New opportunities, new births, and new life provides open doors for success. 
And not being afraid to live authentically is one of the best things you can do to elevate your life. 
They say that those that who want more always isolate. They take time away to get themselves back together. 
And during my isolation, I came out seeking elevation. 
Elevation to be a better human being
Elevation to go after my dreams 
Elevation to take care of myself first.
Elevation to become what the man above has called me to be,
And, it is pretty scary being in transition. 
Not knowing where to go, scared to make a move.
Nervous of where it will take you
But, it is also exciting. 
It is also liberating. 
As you know, when you’re in a season of transition, something special is coming. 
Twenty-three was my year of transition.
Twenty-four will be my year of advancement!
I will hustle harder than I have done before!
But differently taking commands from the source. 
The source of life, the man above who never seems to fail me.
Listening to his instruction, his wisdom for guidance. 
But, y’all twenty-three Taught me three things I hope you will apply to your life.
1.          Don’t let others determine your worth 
You determine who you are, what you are, and who you will be! 
Haters will say what they want, but you will still shine like the star you’re, no matter what they have to say. 
Because, as Independent Grown Women, we use our haters as our motivators. 
We use them as inspiration to go harder, push ourselves, and land where we are supposed to be. 
So, don’t let a hating chic stop you from getting where you’re meant to be. 
Because although we sometimes get distracted along the road, the man above will place us back on solid ground to get back to the work we are supposed to do. 
2.         Don’t be scared to walk away from something if it means you will receive more
We often get stuck in a routine, consistency that sends us on a downward spiral of worrying about if we take a risk and what the blowback will be.
But, I am here to say that if you have decided you want to walk away, do it as T. I. says expeditiously!
Do not sit in a place where you’re no longer meant to be. 
Leave the job that is stopping you from elevating. 
Walk away from that relationship that isn’t worth your time anymore. 
And choose your happiness over others. 
Some will say you’re selfish. 
They will tell you that you’re wrong. 
They will tell you it’s not going to work.
But who are they to tell you the thing you know deep down inside will come true. 
You will only fail if you don’t try!
I repeat, you only fail if you don’t try! 
3.         Some people cannot enter every stage of life with you. 
I know we have friends, family, and loved ones who have been with us through thick and thin. 
Ones that have made us laugh
We have shared secrets.
We have invited them to family cookouts. 
But, not everyone is meant for every season. 
Some are meant for a day, some are meant for a minute, some are meant for a month, and some are meant for less than ten seconds. 
Choose wisely the people you will take along with you on the journey. 
They will either motivate you or bring you down. 
They will either celebrate your wins or laugh at your downfalls. 
They will decide to show up and show out, or they will be nowhere to be found. 
Unfortunately, not everyone can sit at your table, and that’s okay. 
Elevation sometimes requires the removal of those who are stopping your blessings. 
Elevation sometimes requires isolation, even when it seems lonely!
Because you’re on a mission to get somewhere, and sometimes others cannot see that vision. 
Sometimes others cannot see where you are trying to go. 
It does not make them an awful person or not a good friend. 
Sometimes the vision in your head is hidden from others, because they are not meant to be included in the vision that you’re moving towards!
Therefore, you must choose wisely who comes with you during life’s journey. 
You have to choose wisely who is and is not meant to be.
Because unfortunately, there are individuals who will block your elevation and make it harder for you to get where you should be in life. 
But, pruning dead weight allows you to remove those who are stopping what is ahead of you. 
Therefore, you can create an atmosphere in your life for new growth.
I will not lie. This was the hardest lesson of twenty-three by far. 
And will not be easy to replicate in your life. 
But, through pruning, you can be set free of those around you who are hindering the elevation you’re seeking. 
I repeat I’m not here to say it will be easy. 
But nothing in adulthood is besides receiving your direct deposit biweekly.
But you’re an Independent Grown Woman who can do anything you put your mind to, no matter what! 
Therefore, in this new season of elevation, prune baby prune.
Remove those stopping you from becoming the Independent Grown Woman you’re or seek to be. 
Find a new co-pilot who will provide you with an extra set of eyes, ears, and hands. 
Who will hold you accountable for your actions, and you will do the same in return. 
Find a fellow Black Queen who will support you, and you can help them too! 
Twenty-three taught me many things.
But most importantly, it has taught me to bet on myself! 
To take chances on me! 
To remove the dead weight that no longer needs to be around!
And to trust that whatever happens, I’ve tried! 
Isolation is over! 
Elevation is here!
I Hate Adulthood it is one of the roughest, absurd, and most beneficial stages of life that one goes through.
Despite the ups and downs, adulthood does get easier. 
Especially when you get to a place where you let yourself live authentically and let the world see who you are, no matter what others think. 
I thank you for being a part of the journey so far! 
I hope that we will spend many more birthdays together!
But more importantly, through this guide, you will elevate too! 
You will become what you seek to be
But more importantly, you will bet on yourself!
And when others doubt who you are and what you see for yourself.
You will tell them straight!
Cause as Drake said, “Elevate, Elevate The Only Obligation We Got is to Tell It Straight!”
This new chapter will bring unique insight and further information!
I hope you will continue along for the ride as we elevate into Independent Grown Women who are knocking the absurdities of adulthood to the wayside. 
Therefore, we stop hating adulthood one day!
Peace and Prosperity as Always, 
Jadis DeShong-Venay 

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